What to Cook When You Don’t Feel Like Cooking is… exactly that.
One craveable, “complete meal” recipe delivered to your inbox every Saturday morning.
What to Cook takes the guesswork out of mealtime. With these recipes, you’ll cook beautiful meals to be proud of in (almost always!) under an hour. Each recipe is a one-stop shop — a complete meal that dirties as few dishes and tools as possible, and is absolutely delicious.
No more stressing over picking three different recipes that go well together, shopping for three different recipes, and then actually cooking three different recipes.
No getting halfway through a recipe just to realize that the sauce has to simmer for four hours… when dinner’s supposed to be ready in 20 minutes. These recipes don’t compromise on quality, but utilize shortcuts and time-saving hacks to create complete meals in just minutes.
No more scrolling around the internet for hours trying to decide what’s for dinner. I’ve got you covered.
What do I get with a subscription?
Paid subscribers receive an exclusive recipe drop every single Saturday morning, and can access all past recipes on the website.
Unpaid subscribers receive a recipe drop once monthly (on the first Saturday of the month), and free previews of the new recipes every other Saturday.
All subscribers also receive:
A weeklong meal plan delivered the first Friday of every month, complete with 5 dinner ideas, 4 lunch ideas, and a grocery list organized by aisle
Midweek “So Into That” emails, which highlight products and things my team and I are currently loving, as well as links to seasonal recipes from the archives (because I know that deciding what to cook every week is half the battle!)
Who’s cooking?
What to Cook is written by me, Caroline Chambers, a professional recipe developer and New York Times Best Selling cookbook author who, after having my first son and suddenly having very little spare time, got a lot better at my job. I develop recipes that dirty minimal dishes, use fewer ingredients, and require less time, but still absolutely rock. There are a lot of nights where I don’t feel like cooking — here’s what I cook.
My second cookbook, titled What to Cook When You Don’t Feel Like Cooking, debuted in August 2024, and is a print extension of this newsletter. I also share cooking tips, recipes, and bits of my life as a mom of three boys living in Carmel Valley, California, on Instagram.
Who’s WTC written for?
Busy people who love good food but who also don’t have an abundance of spare time and need recipes that are as delicious, concise, and as easy to understand as possible.
I write for home cooks of all levels.
Do you absolutely love cooking and consider yourself a proficient home chef? Great, you’ll love these creative seasonal meals!
Are you just getting started in the kitchen and break a sweat when you encounter chef-y words like “pan sear” and “julienne” when trying a new recipe? Perfect, you’ll have zero trouble following my recipes — I write them like I’m standing there in the kitchen with you (marg in hand) and break the steps down as plainly as possible, never using jargon-y words and phrases you’ll have to Google to understand.
Are you a parent who’s just trying to get food on the table as quickly as possible every night… but would also appreciate if that food was delicious? I see you, I am you, I’ve got you covered.
Where should I start?
The WTC index! It holds every recipe that’s been published here, categorized by protein, cook time, season, mood, and more.
And if you want to test drive a few recipes, here are a few fan favorites:
Chicken chili verde burgers with lime butter corn: An absolutely delicious non-traditional burger that you’ll want to cook all summer.
Coconut curry lentil stew: A super cozy, nutrient-rich vegetarian soup.
Super caesar: A quick and simple salmon Caesar salad filled with super foods to optimize brain and gut health!
One-pot cheesy pumpkin pasta — It’s basically mac and cheese with a pound of hidden vegetables in it.
Thai chicken chop: Yes, it’s a salad for dinner. And it’s absolutely AMAZING.
What sets this newsletter apart from other recipe newsletters and outlets?
Not only do I share an original recipe every week, but each one comes with substitution ideas for every. single. ingredient (so you don’t have to run back to the store for that one ingredient you forgot), as well as notes with ways to modify the meal for dietary restrictions, repurpose your leftovers, riff on the recipe, plate it for picky eaters, and more. I also write my recipes with ease in mind — for example, I include ingredient amounts in the directions so you don’t have to keep scrolling back up to see how much of what to add to the bowl.
What to Cook is the number one Food & Drink newsletter on Substack and has hundreds of thousands of subscribers. I absolutely love the WTC community, and am excited for you to be a part of it.