Hi!! I’m about to hop on a flight home from NYC after a marathon 48 hours of press stuff, mostly podcast interviews, and, wow, they are just so much more dynamic and fun in-person versus over Zoom.
I had the most lovely dinner last night with Dan Pelosi, , and at Shukette last night. I took them out to thank them for writing blurbs for my book and it was just so wonderful to get to know them IRL, and to share how we all make this *food person* career work. We are all food creators, but we each do things so differently, and it was really great to hear how everyone makes it work, things that are working, things that aren’t, etc. Loved every minute and reeeally loved the meal — 10/10 recommend Shukette if you’ll be in NYC anytime soon!
Watching Wimbledon! The tennis whites, the talent, the eye candy… whether you play tennis or not, it’s so fun to watch or have on in the background. Tennis has become a big part of my life over the last few years (exercising WHILE socializing is the best of both worlds), and Jillian (my right hand, chief of operations, etc.) is a big tennis player and pickleballer too. Here are some outfits and accessories we have and love or are currently eyeing!
I’m obsessed with this tennis skirt. It sucks you in but is also so comfortable.
I’ve been seeing a lot of people in collared shirts on the courts — so cute and kinda gives 90s vibes!
That top would be cute with this $24 skirt.
How great are these olive and chili pepper paddles from the Recess x Defined Dish collab? —Jillian
My favorite classic skirt is the Vuori volley skirt. It has pockets to hold your tennis balls, which a lot of skirts annoyingly don’t have these days. —Jillian
I also love this après tennis sweatshirt…
… and these socks from Kule! —Jillian
The other week we asked what *you’re* so into and we have loved poring through the comments section. Here are just a few of your responses — click here to read them all!
“I'm so into Julia Louis-Dreyfus' podcast, Wiser Than Me! She just wrapped her second season and holy moly, it's epic! She has remarkable conversations with older (wiser) ladies like Ina Garten, Debbie Allen, Patti Smith, Julie Andrews, and Vera Wang. They're all so insightful and powerful, and Julia is a wonderful host and beautiful story-teller. Obsessed!!!!” —Gabrielle B.
“Grilling! I finally took your advice and took over the tongs from my husband. Black Pepper Pork Chops, Greek Chicken, Juicy Lucy’s. So much easier, faster and cleaner. Loving summer grilling.” —Emily Drummond
“So into The Anxious Generation book. Just finished it this week and wishing it was required reading for all parents, caregivers, teachers, school administrators, government officials, etc.” —Nicole Thibodo
“I’m so into the Olympics with all the team selections and trials happening. Even started an Olympic Substack because USA! USA! USA!” —Kelsey Morgan,
“I'm so into the time I get to read after we put our baby down for the night! My husband and I sit together in silence on the couch and nothing feels more comforting :)” —Gabbie
“So into taking long breaks from my phone! We noticed the kids feeling ignored while my hubs and I were scrolling and decided to take steps to keep the phones away during dedicated family time, which we have a lot of in the summer! —Christine L
“I’m so into loving on all my grandkids this summer. No school frees up extra time to spend with each of them…feeling so blessed!” —Terri Lea
“I am so into the Marco Polo app! One of my friends asked me if I had it. Now I have 3 friends who I consistently talk to there. I am the last of the 3 to have a baby (35 weeks today... so surreal!). I am a terrible texter and they are 3 busy moms. We respond on our own time with thoughtful video messages while we are walking/cooking/just going about our days. It has been the best way to stay connected without the pressure of texting. It just works for my brain, and I feel so grateful for it.” —Emily M.
First of all, congratulations!!! And GO YOU for prepping some meals ahead of time. Pizza delivery and take-out dinners will happen, but the more nutrient-rich meals you can have ready to go, the better you’ll feel! Here are some WTC meals that freeze and reheat beautifully and contain a nourishing mix of nutrients and vitamins — you’ll also find a ton more here. See the recipes’ notes for specific freezing instructions. In general, I like to thaw frozen meals in the fridge overnight — it makes them so easy to reheat on the stovetop or microwave the next day. But when I don’t remember to do that, I just run the Ziploc (I always freeze in Ziplocs) under warm water until it releases from the food, peel it off, then pop the frozen square into a skillet, add a splash of water, cover, and warm over medium-low until thawed.
Beef basil bowls (the Thai basil beef, coconut-ginger rice, and peanut sauce are all freezable! Or you can use any leftover peanut sauce to make 15-minute peanut noods.)
Hella green pasta sauce
Lemony chicken orzo soup (chicken tikka masala stew and/or green chicken tortilla soup would also be fab)
Also, check out this post about THE MENU, a meal planning solution I use in my own house. I wrote it when Cashel was a newborn and relied on this process HEAVILY then (and still do now).
Anyone have any other meals to add to this list?!
A follower shared this call for donations to honor her late niece on what would’ve been her first birthday. If you’re able, join us in donating a book (via her Amazon wishlist) or a monetary donation (via venmo @naomis-nook)!!! All proceeds go to Texas Children’s Hospital PICU and Naomi’s Nook.
Contributor + editor: Molly Ramsey
Contributor: Jillian Voorhees
A follow up to The Menu that has helped me TREMENDOUSLY with meal planning and shopping lists - I purchased this super simple app called “Recipe Keeper” where I can save all of my recipes (and easily upload them from links), plan our recipes for the week, and automatically add the ingredients for each recipe to a shopping list. I even keep three running lists for my main shopping trips (grocery store, Costco, & target). I think I paid $5 for this, and it’s been the single best way to organize meals and always have all of your recipes in my back pocket!!
I'm a new subscriber and I'm SO grateful to have meal planning help! I love your huge catalog of recipes, there is plenty to choose from. Our family has enjoyed every recipe I've made from you so far. I made the 20 minute sauce and served it with roasted potatoes and it was so delicious. I made the recipe double so I have plenty of leftovers! Thank you so much, this is really improving my life. No exaggeration!