I could listen all day to the two of you cackle together. Thank you for making this podcast. It sounds as though there were many more topics to discuss, hopefully there will be future episodes with Lily Wick as a guest!

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I loved this podcast episode. You can tell that you and Lily have such a special relationship. Thank you for sharing a very interesting part of your life with us.

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Sounds like my experience as a day girl in a city school with boarding (there are like 80 boarders in middle and senior grades and something like 600 (at that time, anyway) girls in total from kindergarten up). We, too had houses, and they're named after early faculty, the founder, yadda, yadda, yadda. It was vaguely/historically religious, so we had chapel daily. Boarders were part of day houses and their own boarding house, which were named after female saints. Kids come from all over the world (so much for "lacking diversity" in private schools. That's a stereotype people always seem to think. No, I was NOT the only Asian kid there. I wasn't even the only kid with Chinese heritage). I could go on and on and on, but I'll probably bore you. LOL.

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