loved this one! but the one question you didn’t answer was if you started in advertising where did the knowledge/love of cooking come from? did you have any cooking experience before jumping into catering?

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I am LOLing at you talking about the “boat people.” We are army people stationed at a navy base and people are so serious about being “boat people” or “airplane people” and so feisty if you don’t know what they’re officially called.

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Loved loved loved hearing how successful the transition from your free content to the paid Substack was, as well as your honesty/vulnerability/transparency about the fear and imposter syndrome during that process. My monthly sub fee is just part of our monthly grocery budget - the value we get is amazing. My only wish is that Substack could create some type of shared/family accounts for paid Substack subscriptions, sort of like a family Spotify account. My partner and I switch off who is in charge of meal planning and dinner prep, depending on what else we have on our plates in terms of work/family responsibilities. Would be so convenient during the stretches of time that he's holding that card.......

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Yes!! This has been requested a lot lately. I hope they'll make that happen.

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I once heard an old French lady tell someone that the secret to a long lasting marriage is for each person to leave once per once. The longing for each other keeps a marriage strong.

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I love hearing your story! Such an inspiration

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Also went to an all girls boarding school and sameeee

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Loved hearing your backstory! I grew up in Pennington NJ and my dad went to Lawrenceville! I went to the Stevenson School near where you currently live! People always have sooo many questions when I mention that I went to boarding school. Cracks me up! We need a "tales from boarding school" substack.

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Please!!! I’m fascinated

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Loved listening! Pretty much re-iterated your entire work history to my husband. 😅 but seriously could listen to you all day! So impressed with your work ethic and dedication. Also the advice “fake it til you make it” is so true for any starting entrepreneur. My husband opened his fitness studio 11 years ago without knowing a single thing about how to run a business ...and in the Bay Area no less. That was his motto too.

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