Sep 19Liked by Caroline Chambers

Why did you leave out Philly on your book tour 😥 please tell us when you will be visiting the City of Brotherly Love?! Which btw is a perfect weekend trip for any couples only or family get-a-way!

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2 hrs agoLiked by Caroline Chambers

Yes! Philly is here with open arms for you, Caroline! There are truly so many good restaurants for you to try when you visit :)

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Might have some news for you... STAY TUNED

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Whoo hoo !! 😍🤩

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Will you be resuming the podcast? I know you've had SO SO SO much going on with the book tour, but I'm just wondering if the plan is to eventually pick it back up? I'm sorry if you've already spoken about this and I missed it. I absolutely adore the podcast but know it takes a lot of time and energy!!

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I love how you talk so positively about your kids and your husband AND cooking. it can be so easy to complain about the people that we love the most so thanks for sharing how much your family means to you! It is encouraging.

My question is I would love to know more about your mom- I love that she was your inspiration for your own cooking journey. How did she learn to cook and become good at it and also what did she do when you were a kid and teen to help you love cooking too? And practical tips on how she taught you or did you just learn mostly by seeing her do her thing. Thanks!

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AMA question - are you guys still doing Fair Play? If so, how's is going? Trying to work up the courage/energy to try it out in our house!

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you always seem so confident and able to laugh at yourself. plus the fact that you dug in and built this community and following while having multiple kids (in the middle of a pandemic no less!) is just so freaking inspiring. on the flip side — is there anything you’re particularly self conscious about or afraid of right now?

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Tips for doing a cooking together date night when you are …a control freak in the kitchen??

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No advice to give. Type “A” here 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Guilty 🫣

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AMA question: how do you clean:

1. Your pepper home pillow cases

2. Your cast iron skillet


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You've made so many interesting life/career pivots. Any advice for how to actually put yourself on a different career trajectory? I am so afraid of actually making a career change and get super intimidated by it, even though I think I'm well overdo for something new.

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Re: Skout bars: Congrats on the collab! Will this be available at WF or just online? Thank you!

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AMA - tips for rekindling friendships? I lost most of my close friendships after I became a mom (only one in my group). Finally coming up for air after YEARS and not sure where to start / if to reach out again and just say sorry - Ive been living under a rock?

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Not me crying over here... I'm a few months postpartum with baby #3 and between being run ragged, mentally drained and touched out, I'm seriously missing my husband and feeling like an actual couple. This gives me hope for at home date night. It's happening this weekend, dang it!!

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Couldn't agree more about Big Fan -- it was such a treat!

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Mostly I enjoy your cooking tips I enjoy trying different recipes from different parts of the United States I hope you continue on doing what you're doing and I hope your life goes good with your husband and kids God bless you all

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I enjoyed your food tips most of all I enjoy trying different recipes thank you so much for them God bless you

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I want to know about your dog! What type of dog is he, how long have you had him, did you pick him for a reason, it's he a good family fit? We lost our 12 yr old rescued mutt of a fur baby last year and have three kiddos (5 and under) but hoping to add a puppy back into the mix soon.

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You are golden. No qs this time. :)

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