
It depends on the size of the breast, but 5 to 7 minutes per side should be perfect! Use a meat thermometer and pull them off when they're 160f internally. They'll keep cooking off the heat to come to 165!

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Your variations, allergy recs, and substitutions sections are amazing. My husband is allergic to all nuts but almonds, sesame and sunflower seeds, and swimming fish, and figuring out the right path to adapt can be hit or miss!

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This was so delicious and nourishing. As a bonus, I chopped the leftover chicken and cabbage up and tossed it all together with ramen noodles and Japanese bbq sauce and had really good leftovers!

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My cabbage turned out pretty soggy/watery and I’m bummed! Anyone have any tips?

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oooh!! i'm thikning your grill wasn't hot enough! if it was 450 it shouldn't have had the option to get soggy /watery -- any wateriness just evaporates right away at such high heat. any clue if maybe it wasn't quite hot enough??

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I think I might have a solution… I used my Blackstone to make this last night, and had no problems with the cabbage. I think the reason might be that the Blackstone is open to air, but when you grill it, you close the lid and create an environment that steams the cabbage as well. Maybe try leaving the lid open just for the cabbage part?

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This salad is incredibly addictive! I used shredded rotisserie chicken in it because sometimes grilling solo with a toddler is too much!

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Did anyone make this in the oven and end up with super soggy cabbage?? I love the idea of this recipe, just wondering what I did wrong 😭

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I did too 😭 I even tried to broil the cabbage a little to evaporate some after taking the chicken out but it’s still pretty soggy. It was okay for tonight but I think the leftovers going to be a soggy mess

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I had not even considered that there was an alternative - I thought we were supposed to be eating warm, soft cabbage. Caro, save us oven folks from wet cabbage!!!!

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Dang!!! Ok-- I think we need to pre-chop the cabbage. So pre-chop it , toss with oil and salt, then roast on 450 for like 40 minutes, until tender. Then throw the broiler on to crisp it up!!

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This was amazing!! Perfect post-vacation nutritious yet satisfying meal. I added diced mango 10/10!!!!

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This will be in the summer rotation at our house. My husband was positive the leftovers wouldn’t hold up and he’d be stuck with soggy leftovers for lunch, really taking one for the team. He was shocked the next day that it was potentially even better! (I was not surprised, but was glad he saved me some!)

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This was SO GOOD! I used a head of cabbage that was on the very large side and I think it diluted the flavor of the sauce a little, so I’d go smaller next time, but will definitely be making this again. It was so healthy and satisfying and made so much food with delicious leftovers after our family of three was well fed.

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Will a head of regular green cabbage work? No napa or savoy at my Whole Foods or TJs. Thanks!

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I was reading this and thinking, hmmm I have just made chicken stock with a whole chicken rather than the carcass which I was unable to access in our shopping precinct. Maybe I can use the breasts as part of one of these variations of salad and shred the rest for the Chicken and Vegetable Soup. What do YOU think?

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Fantastic had it most of the week for lunch, thank you!

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How to we / do we need to wash the cabbage?

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Can’t wait to make this again! Delicious the first night and 2 days later as leftovers. My cabbage (green) didn’t get totally schmaltzy so I may cut in smaller wedges next time or cook longer.

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YUM!! Husband asked why we were grilling cabbage, like I was a complete maniac, but then loved it. Added cucumber, left out the cheese bc I wasnt sure about peanut sauce and cheese combo but will definitely #trustcaro next time and include the cheese.

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I loved this sooo much when I made it last night, but it might have been even better for my (not at all sad) desk lunch today!

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