Yahoo! My meal plan for the week is done thanks to this. Can’t wait

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We’ve started calling these salads of yours that get better with time “fridge salads”. With three kids and activities at all times on all the days having a fridge salad that we can eat at any point of the week has been such a game changer. They only last 2, maybe 3 days but knowing we have good food we all like at home has helped so much! And when it gets hotter than hell in Charleston, fridge salads will be the only meal Made at home.

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Shouldn’t salmon be cooked within 3 days? I know, it’s ok to switch the order of things, but I was wondering. I have a Purim potluck so Asparagus Farroto sounds great.

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I typically buy my fish day of if I'm not using frozen!

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This plan sounds perfect for our family of 2 adults and a dog that the other adult who’s not me likes to share with 😂 (just a teeny bit - I doth protest too much)

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